I found a new site that has really helped me plan my meals! It's myfridgefood.com It's fantastic! You click on what you have on hand and it come up with tons of recipes made with things you already have! Loving it!! So I will be trying out 3 new recipies this week from this site. I still have to go grocery shopping to pick up a few things but at least I won't be wasting by ignoring food that I already have!
Monday : Chicken Quesidillas. Unfortunately, my Valentine won't be here so it's just me and Baby Girl for Valentine's Day dinner.
Tuesday: Quick Chicken Mex
Wednesday: Easy sandwiches (It'll be a late day for me!)
Thursday: Apple Glazed Pork Chops
Friday: left overs/ CORN
Saturday: Tropical Kielbasa in the Crockpot
Sunday: My mother in law will be here. I think we'll go out :)